Developing You – October 2024
Pyramid has partnered with Leeds Employment Hub, People Matters and United Response to deliver a project for adults with a learning disability who are interested in learning more about getting a job. It is called Developing You: Exploring Wellbeing and Work.
There is a video below that tells you more about it.
It is a free, 9 week course (3 hours per week).
Our next course will start on Tuesday 15 October and runs for 9 weeks at the Thackray Museum of Medicine (LS9).
As well as thinking about employment, the course looks at ways to maintain and improve your personal health and wellbeing.
- Improve how your body and mind feel
- Develop your digital skills
- Better understand the world of work
- Get 1 to 1 support from an Employment Advisor
- Find out about other support services and groups
- Meet new people
The course is open to people in the Leeds area aged 18+. Attending will not affect any entitlement to benefits that you may have. We can help with travel costs if needed.
Please click here to contact us if you’d like to find out more or register for the course.
Click here to download a flyer (.pdf)