In Spring 2017, the High Rise Movement group visited the Tetley to see ‘These books were alive; they spoke to me!’, an exhibition of printed matter and performance works by artist Dora García. During the visit one of the group members was keen to respond literally to a book entitled ‘Steal This Book’, and did indeed steal the book. They took inspiration away with them and created a sensory performance which was showcased at The Tetley in their City Workshop.
They used the idea of travel and set the scene. First they broke through into the bookstore with their swag bag. Boarded a flight to various locations, where they would steal the books. They visited Spain, with its Toros, Catholic widows, and Flamencos. The seaside, with water mist, sand, and sunglasses. And finally a beautiful flower garden. Stealing books in their swag bag on the way.
Artists: Adam Hussain, Andrea Clisby, Anna Ward, Anna-Marie Garbutt, Annie Park, Bev Remmington, Brenda Bagshaw, Caz Stiff, Craig Trigwell, David Wragg, Dominique Ghatoara, Gillian McDonnell, Jade Murphy, Jan Tynan, Jessica Smith, Jill Stoves, Johnny Tabor, Julie Shackleton, Karanveer Singh, Karlene Morren, Kelly Shine, Kim Otter, Lynne Hemingway, Patsy Wolliter, Patricia Ndhlovu, Shane Fowler, Sian Hulley, Sophie Sheerin, Stephen Coates, Stephen Farrell