The Pyramid Plan 2024-2028
Our Visioning Group is made up of Pyramid members who lead on organisational development and planning.
All Pyramid members are welcome to join the Visioning Group.
The Visioning Group created the Pyramid Plan 2024-2028. The plan explains our ambitions, and what we will do to achieve them.
Pyramid Plan 2024-28 [.pdf] This is a PDF with text, images and easy-read.
Pyramid Plan 2024-28 [.docx] This is a Microsoft Word document with plain text in a size 16 font.
Pyramid Plan 2024-28 [.pdf] This is a PDF document with plain text in a size 16 font.
Pyramid Plan 2024-28 Padlet This is a link to the Padlet website, where we created a draft of the plan for people to comment on.
We are working on an audio version of the plan, please check back later.
Strategic Aims
The members of Pyramid have developed a set of strategic aims. These are:
1. We will give people with learning disabilities chances to be part of the arts
This means making sure we provide opportunities for people with learning disabilities to get involved in creative projects, and to visit cultural venues and events.
2. We will show the public what people with learning disabilities can do
This means we make sure the work produced by our members is exhibited and that the public get to see it. We have helped to set up the BEYOND Festival to make sure there are lots of public exhibitions and performances by people with learning disabilities.
3. We will make sure the right people know about our work and can take part
There are approximately 15,000 people with learning disabilities in Leeds. We want to make sure that people know about us, so they can decide if they would like to join in. We attend marketplace events, and promote ourselves through learning disability networks and to commissioners and care managers.
4. We will have a good place to do our work
We currently run most of our groups from a large rented unit. We like having a big space to make big art! We will continue to try and save money so that we will be able to afford our own building one day.
5. We will get the most out of our money and keep working to bring money in, to keep Pyramid going
The Director and Operations Manager are responsible for writing funding applications to pay for our projects.
Members pay a contribution towards our costs to attend sessions.
The Board of Trustees and our Accountant make sure that we are spending the money we do have properly.
Governing Document and Charitable Objectives
All charities must have governing document. The document includes all the rules that the charity must follow. It is often called the Memorandum and Articles of Association.
Click here to view or download a copy of our governing document. [.pdf]
It also lists our charitable objectives. These explain what Pyramid’s purpose is, as a charity.
Our objectives are:
- To promote any charitable purpose for the benefit of people with learning disabilities or which promotes the integration of people with learning disabilities into society as a whole and, in particular, to encourage the integration of people with and without learning disabilities through the medium of creative arts
- To create communities of artistic interest which include people with learning disabilities
- To educate people with and without learning disabilities in communication and group working skills and about the creative arts