During Spring Term 2017, the two High Rise Groups worked with Leeds Lieder to produce their own musical performance.
Their musical, Step into Spring, riffs on the seasonal theme from one of the Lieder songs, ‘It was a Lover and His Lass’ (from the Shakespeare play, ‘As You Like It’), which resonated with the group, and was the basis of the first song. The musical features the sounds of spring, with dancing animals and singing trees, in a joyous retort to the musical fancy of Shakespeare’s love tale.
Step into Spring is an original musical performed by the High Rise Music Group, baritone Philip Smith and pianist Jonathan Fisher as part of the Leeds Lieder Festival.
Click for the Step Into Spring programme – complete with lyrics!
Edit of the groups performance at Yorkshire Dance.
Short film about the collaboration with Leeds Lieder and how the group created their musical.
[Both films were recorded and produced by Leeds College of Art students Ruta Puzaite and Zen Khye Ooi.]
Photos by Robert Piwko