Artist call-out

We are looking for 6 artists to show their work in an online exhibition.

The exhibition is called the Pyramid Open Show 2021.

This video tells you more about the exhibition, the theme, and how to apply:

Click here to download a transcript of the video (.pdf)

The work in the exhibition will be made in response to our sensory call out.

This is a video of the sensory call out (make sure you have your sound turned up):

Who can apply?
Both new and established artists, from anywhere in the world, are invited to apply.

How will the work be selected?
The Pyramid Curation Group will choose the 6 artists to be included in the exhibition.

Is there a prize?
The 6 chosen artists will receive a prize of £200 each.

Does it cost money to apply?
No, there is no fee to submit your work.

When is the deadline?
Your application must reach us by 6pm (GMT) on Friday 6th November 2020.

When is the exhibition?
The exhibition will open in February 2021.

How do I apply?
Click here to download more information and details of how to apply (.pdf)

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