Become a Legal Member

Apply to be a Legal Member

We consider everyone who takes part in Pyramid’s activities to be a member. Being a legal member is different.

Pyramid of Arts (“Pyramid”) is a Charity and a Company Limited by Guarantee.
This means there are some charity laws and company laws we must obey.
One of the laws is about having legal members.

To be a legal member:

  • You must support the aims of Pyramid, as described in our governing document (see below for more information)
  • You would have to pay £1 towards Pyramid’s debts if it closed down and owed money

What are the advantages of being a legal member?

Legal members can vote at our Annual General Meetings.
It is important that the people involved in Pyramid get to have a say about how it is run.
We encourage everyone involved to become a legal member.

How long does legal membership last?

You can be a legal member for as long as you want to.
To stop being a legal member, just write or call to tell us.
If you stop coming to Pyramid or move away, after one year we will assume you don’t want to be a legal member anymore.

What are Pyramid’s aims?

  • to encourage people with and without learning disabilities to work together through creative arts
  • to create communities of shared artistic interest which include people with learning disabilities
  • to educate people with and without learning disabilities in communication and group working skills and about the creative arts

What is Pyramid’s governing document?

Our governing document is called our ‘Memorandum and Articles of Association’.
It is a legal document that explains what we do, as a Charity and as a Company, and how we are run.
It explains things like

  • what our Trustees can and can’t do
  • how we must manage our money
  • what happens at an AGM

You can call or email the office for a copy, or download it online from

Why would I have to pay £1 if Pyramid closed down?

Being a ‘Company Limited by Guarantee’ means that the Trustees and other legal members aren’t personally responsible for Pyramid’s debts.
The limit of each person’s liability (the maximum amount each person can owe) is just £1.
You would only have to pay £1 if Pyramid owed money when it closed down. The Trustees are responsible for stopping that from happening.

Applying to be a legal member

Click here to download a form to print and sign (.pdf)

If you would like us to post you a form, please get in touch. Click here for our contact details.

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